● 2005-2009, 理学学士学位, 厦门大学
● 2009-2014, 理学博士学位, 厦门大学
● 2014-2014, 短期科研助理, 厦门大学
● 2015-2017, 博士后, 格拉斯哥大学
● 2017-2018, 高级研究员, 格拉斯哥大学
● 2018-2020, 副教授, 厦门大学
● 2020-至今, 教授, 厦门大学
[1]Chen, J.-J., M. D. Symes, S.-C. Fan, M.-S. Zheng, H. N. Miras, Q.-F. Dong* and L. Cronin*, High-Performance Polyoxometalate- Based Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries, Advanced Materials, 2015, 27(31): 4649-4654.[Link]
[2]Chen, J.-J.; Ye, J.-C.; Zhang, X.-G.; Symes, M. D.; Fan, S.-C.; Long, D.-L.; Zheng, M.-S.; Wu, D.-Y.; Cronin, L.; Dong, Q.-F., Design and Performance of Rechargeable Sodium Ion Batteries, and Symmetrical Li-Ion Batteries with Supercapacitor-Like Power Density Based upon Polyoxovanadates. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8 (6), 1701021.[Link]
[3]Chen, J.-J., M. D. Symes* and L. Cronin*, Highly reduced and protonated aqueous solutions of P2W18O62 (6-) for on-demand hydrogen generation and energy storage, Nature Chemistry, 2018, 10(10): 1042-1047.[Link]
[4]Jie Lei; Jun-Jie Yang; Ting Liu; Ru-Ming Yuan; Ding-Rong Deng; Ming-Sen Zheng; Jia-Jia Chen*; Leroy Cronin*; Quan-Feng Dong*, Tuning Redox Active Polyoxometalates for Efficient Electron-Coupled Proton-Buffer-Mediated Water Splitting, Chemistry-A European Journal, 2019, 25(49): 11432-11436.[Link]
[5]Ye, J. C.#, J. J. Chen#, R. M. Yuan, D. R. Deng, M. S. Zheng*, L. Cronin* and Q. F. Dong*, Strategies to Explore and Develop Reversible Redox Reactions of Li-S in Electrode Architectures Using Silver-Polyoxometalate Clusters, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140(8): 3134-3138.[Link]
[6]Lei Jie#; Liu Ting#; Chen JiaJia*; Zheng Mingsen; Zhang Qiang; Mao Bingwei; Dong Quanfeng*, Exploring and Understanding the Roles of Li2Sn and the Strategies to Beyond Present Li-S batteries, Chem, 2020, 6(10): 2533-2557.[Link]
[7]Yang, L.; Hao, Y.; Lin, J.; Li, K.; Luo, S.; Lei, J.; Han, Y.; Yuan, R.; Liu, G.; Ren, B.; Chen, J., POM Anolyte for All-Anion Redox Flow Batteries with High Capacity Retention and Coulombic Efficiency at Mild pH. Advanced Materials 2021, n/a (n/a), 2107425.[Link]
[8]Jie Lei, Xiao-Xiang Fan, Ting Liu, Pan Xu, Qing Hou, Ke Li, Ru-Ming Yuan, Ming-Sen Zheng, Quan-Feng Dong* & Jia-Jia Chen*. Single-dispersed Polyoxometalate Clusters Embedded on Multilayer Graphene as a Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Efficient Li-S Batteries. Nat. Commun. 2022, 13(1): 202.[Link]